Go to the movies, not the library!
Videos, interactive tests, 3-D animations and sound turn complicated theory into an adventure trip into medicine, pharmacy or other sciences.
Interaction captures attention and makes learning really efficient.
Because in your personal learning cinema
- you determine the learning speed yourself
- repeat chapters as often as you like
- decide when, where and for how long you want to work
- save on expensive seminars and training courses
- save unnecessary travel expenses
- save twice the amount of material with half the time expenditure

The years of experience of frontal training are incorporated into our learning programs. It guarantees that your employees experience a high level of knowledge.
We create interactive learning programs based on the realities of the professional environment or trainees.
See for yourself in our learning system:
Training as a certified pharmaceutical sales representative DIHK
We create real internet learning programs for the training to become a "certified pharmaceutical representative DIHK" according to the framework plan for the exam.
A speaker explains you the physiology of humans (or drug substances or biochemistry) and at the same time the mentioned organs or the vascular system are shown with lovely medical illustrations.
Arrows show you how molecules are enzymatically changed or through which pathway the ingested food is processed.
In our demonstration module you can see an example of real internet learning.
No access is necessary. One click is enough.
In our demonstration module you can see an example of real internet learning.
No access is necessary. One click is enough.
eLearning modules for the certified pharmaceutical sales representative DIHK